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Courtney & Morgan — Minted
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
The Mighty Docks have so much gratitude for all the wonderful people in our life who came out to celebrate us. We're living that married life now. (: Here's to more adventures together! P.S. Lights, we missed you at our wedding! XD




Courtney and Morgan

Please join us for our wedding celebration on

Our Story

In the fall of 2015 in Oxford, Mississippi, a dear mutual friend of ours set up a dinner date for the three of us. She backed out a few hours before we were to meet, leaving the two of us to get to know each other over some Thai food. (Morgan claims I "accidentally" left my wallet at home so he would have to pay. I really did forget it though!) We shared our first kiss while watching one of our favorite TV shows, Castle, as Kate Beckett and Richard Castle shared a romantic moment.

Morgan proposed to me in Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Park on January 25, 2020 at the Mark Twain Stump. Shamefully, my first words were, "You did it, you FINALLY did it", but then obviously I said yes (duh). Then we whispered sweet nothings to one another as we kissed in the snowy, peaceful glade. At the end of the trail, we found a new beginning. <3

We originally believed we would be married in the summer of 2021, but then instead the two of us weathered a global pandemic together. We are excited to finally be marrying in Memphis, as not only is the location closer to our immediate families, but it's the city where we celebrated our one-year anniversary.

So, why #themightydocks as our wedding hashtag? Not only is it a reference to the famous Mighty Ducks movie (90's babies!), but Memphis is also famous for the Peabody Ducks! The Peabody Ducks are real live ducks who reside in the Peabody hotel, and ride down the elevator every day to swim in the lobby's fountain. When we celebrated our first anniversary together in October of 2016, we had a fancy dinner at Texas de Brazil and visited the Peabody Ducks at their rooftop penthouse. Finally, I did a little research, and in Korean culture ducks represent love, peace, and fidelity.

You might find quite a few nods to ducks at our wedding! Join us to see. ;) We definitely can't wait to see you!

With love, Courtney & Morgan

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